Baby Shabooblah

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Day 90 of Life - September 16th

Not too much to report tonight...the little one took 22 cc during last night's feed before he fell asleep. And he didn't want to wake up for his 3:00 feed this afternoon, but still managed to take 8 cc, even though he was asleep the whole time!!! Ma will try another bottle at 12:00 and is back in early for a 9:00 feed. Go team, go!

Ma gave him a bath at 8:00 tonight and the little Turkey is up again, 2470 g (5.445 lb)!!! He's obviously got the weight gain if only he can master oral feeding...

Friday, September 15, 2006

Day 89 of Life - September 15th

Sleep, eat, grow strong. Sleep, eat, grow strong. Look around. Sleep, eat, grow strong. That pretty much sums up the little one's day! His bottle at 12:00 last night didn't go all that well (he only took 10 mL) because he fell asleep and didn't feel like waking up again!!! Go figure! His bottle at 3:00 this afternoon went a little better (he took 25 mL), but then he fell asleep again! Ma is trying again, even as I type! Hopefully, the little Turkey will stay awake for most of this one!!!

Other than that, not too much new. They have decided to try him on 3 oral feeds on non-bath days. So, Ma will come in to give him a bottle at 9:00 am, 3:00 pm and 9:00 pm. (The bottles cannot be back-to-back, as it tires him out too much!) So, we'll see how he does with that, but it's definitely a step in the right direction!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Day 88 of Life - September 14th

Another bath and weigh night and the results are in...the little Turkey now weighs 2435 g (5.368 lb). Some of the weight is coming back.

They turned his oxygen up today, not because he needed it, but Dee and Ma talked and have decided to concentrate on oral feeds. The lowered oxygen was really interfering with his oral feeds, so they have turned it up (to 0.1 L/min) and it will stay there, at least for now. When babies go home on low-flow oxygen, they always start out at that rate and since everyone says that Sha will be going home on oxygen, there doesn't seem to be much point in reducing it any more.

So, with his oxygen turned back up, the little Turkey was able to take a full bottle at 3:00! No problems now!!! Ma will go back to the hospital at 12:00 to try again and hopefully, will be just as successful.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Inspirational Quotes

From John Davidson's book Jesse's Journey,

"God gives ill children to parents who do not pray for a lighter load, but a stronger back".

Day 87 of Life - September 13th

Sha's 3:00 bottle feed didn't go so well today, but on the up side, his oxygen requirements have gone down yet again. He's working really hard at breathing and keeping his oxygen saturation up, so eating might be a little too much for step at a time. Besides, why bother working at eating when you know that someone will feed you through a tube? You can sleep AND still feel full!!!

The little Turkey has also lost another 15 g and now weighs 2360 g (5.203 lb). (He definitely does NOT get that from me!!!) This is likely still due to fluid, as he is eating and digesting well. However, I will say that the little one now has little rolls of "meat" at the top of his freaking cute!!! He is still receiving the Aldactazide to prevent the fluid retention and it seems to be working!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Our primary

We have been so fortunate to have an amazing primary nurse for Xander. Throughout this time she has been our cheerleader, teacher, shoulder to cry on and one of the funniest gals I know. Ok, I'm getting all teary eyed...

I think the thing that I love most, is that she isn't huggy, just like me. (I have made a few exceptions, example...when I kissed Dr. Baby BAK Ribs after Xander was born...I think it was the hormones talking!)

I think that one of the hardest parts of going home will be leaving her behind. Whephf.

Today she brought two pieces of the dreamest, flakiest, sweetest homemade apple pie, that she made, to the hospital for Jeremy and I. And I am so touched that she would think of us.

Tonight on my way back from the hospital, I went to start my truck and the battery was dead. Forgot to turn off the interior lights, I think, and then I lock the keys inside the Blazer. Crap. So I'm standing in the rain, feelin' sorry for myself, in the dark, on top of the freaken parking garage.

And I realize that I have pie from our primary. Which I ate, in the rain, with my fingers, in the dark, on roof of the parking garage, feelin' sorry for myself. And surprisingly, after a slice of pie, I didn't feel so darn bad.

She has perfect timing.

Can't sleep...

Darryl Sittler of the Toronto Maple Leafs "It's real easy when the television cameras are there and everybody wants to talk to you. It's when you're all alone in the middle of nowhere and it's pouring rain that measures your courage."

Day 86 of Life - September 12th

The little Turkey was in a very bad mood today!!! (Wonder whether he gets that from Ma or Pa???) Ma tried to kangaroo him today, but he kept lifting his head off her chest and thrashing around. She gave up trying. When I stopped in to check on him on my way out of work, the little munchkin kept ripping his oxygen tubes out of his nose. Every time, I would put them back in, only to have him rip them out seconds later!!!

Despite being in a bad mood, he actually had a very good day! He took 20 mL by bottle last night and another 25 mL at his 3:00 feed today. Ma will try again at 9:00 and then give him his bath after...which means I should have a new weight tomorrow.

His oxygen requirements have gone down again (0.01 L/min), which is a great sign! Other than that, a grumpy quiet day for the little Turkey...wonder if it's the weather???

Hope you had a great birthday, A Cow!!!

May all your birthday wishes come true...

...and hopefully your hubby got you something nice!!! (Bet you're sorry you told me now!!!)

Monday, September 11, 2006

Fund Raising Ideas

Ma wanted to "sneak" on and post this...but decided to send it to me, as she doesn't want to "step on my toes". Whatever! Anyway, my only comment is that if she wants me to do what she suggests, she better had another 5 years onto her time'll understand after you read her message!!!

Another day of benefit issues. I was hoping for some clarification from the MPP’s office today. Unfortunately, their office did not seem to understand the issues and has decidedly referred me to get legal aid. Which is pretty darn funny. Cause I’m pretty darn sure we wouldn’t qualify even if we were living in a cardboard box, let alone driving up in an Avalanche. Soooo…I have some more thinking to do about where to go next. I do have a couple of ideas in my back pocket. And a couple more ideas after that.On an inspirational note, I have been engrossed in the novel chronicling John Davidson and Jesse Davidson’s journey across Ontario and the John’s tribute journey across Canada. I found this novel lying around at the Ronald McDonald House. It is very easy for me to identify with this father’s outpouring of love for his son and his plan to make a difference. A great read if you can get your hands on it.Jeremy arrived at the house after work to find me all wound up with ideas. I figure it took John, after months of training, approximately 1 year to walk across Canada to raise funds for genetic research. Jer and I figure it would take approximately 5 years for me to accomplish the same thing. Considering how toned I am….We had a laugh, the kind that makes you feel all childish inside, about different scenarios for my walk. He said Xander and him would “wait for me”. Kinda like people waiting for a loved one to get out of prison. I offered up Auntie as the solution, she has been my driving force as of lately, so maybe she would like to “Carrie” me across Canada. Our slogan could be “A Mother’s Marathon, Piggy Backed Across Canada”. Considering our combined love of athletics, we could just drive across Canada, but we probably wouldn’t raise any money by the time we paid for gas.

Anyhoooo…on a more serious note, does anyone have any ideas, big or small that we could pull together to raise funds for the NICU?

The Turkey Fattens Up

Day 85 of Life - September 11th

The little one's lungs are clear, confirmed by a chest X-ray today. He started back on oral feeds today and took 10 mL by bottle for his 3:00 feed. For the next 3 days, they are going to go easy on the oral feeds, concentrating not on how much he is getting, but on how he is taking it.

It is obvious that Ma has been in the NICU too's now official. She has felt for awhile that the little Turkey has an umbilical hernia, which is a small hole in his abdomen at the belly button. This means that his belly button sticks out further than it should. Umbilical hernias usually correct on their own, when the child starts walking. Sometimes surgery is necessary to correct the hernia, but this will not be considered until after the little one starts walking. Anyway, Ma had Dee (one of the NPs) confirm her diagnosis today!

Otherwise, a quiet day for little Sha...may tomorrow be just as quiet!!!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Day 84 of Life - September 10th

Well, I just got off the phone with Ma for today's update. The little one has been weighed and bathed and is now wrapped securely in a blanket. He's lost a little more weight since last time, and now weighs 2375 g (5.236 lb).

He's had a fairly uneventful day...although they had to hold one of his feeds last night, as he had residuals in his stomach from the previous feed. This means that he hadn't fully digested his last meal. They don't think that this is anything really to be concerned about and he hasn't had a problem since and is back on feeds. (He'll be very happy about that one!!!)

His oxygen requirements are improving and he is desaturating less often, so the diuretics are really doing the trick. He'll be re-assessed tomorrow to see if he's ready to try oral feeds again.

Grandma Cush and Uncle Kabooblah were in for a visit today and Ma and Pa are there now. Good night, little Turkey, sleep well and grow strong!

Dinner at Our House Program

We all know how helpful and comforting it is to have dinner made for us. With the added challenges and stresses of having a child who is seriously ill or injured, families have welcomed the meals prepared by others. Whether they are able to join our volunteers for a meal, or come home to find leftovers after a long day at the hospital, having dinner ready makes all the difference.

Ronald McDonald House is actively seeking groups of 4 - 6 people to prepare a regularly scheduled meal at the House. The phone number is 519-685-3232 if you are interested in getting a group together to help out.

The kitchen has two ovens, two dishwashers, and tons of counter space.

"The House that Love Built"

Thanks with love,

From Ronald McDonald House

I can't believe that I have been here for 2 weeks. I am so very thankful for all of the inspiring messages that have been left at this site over the last little while. It helps to give me the strength during the days that just seem to drag on and on.

Today, I escaped for a little while from the city. Honestly, you couldn't pay me to live here. With all of the noise and traffic and the coming and going. I really wonder where all of these people are heading at 3am...don't they sleep?

So, I headed off for the country and a couple of gravel roads. My head is clearer when I am not stuck waiting for a traffic light to change colour. I do understand why people who live in the city need vacations. Whephf. Some Garth Brooks, singing, with the windows rolled down for a couple of hours was just the break I needed. If my bladder could have hung on a little longer, I could have drove around for a couple more hours. The left or right does something good for my soul. Summer is measured by the height of the corn. It seems as though I missed it growing this year.

I think I appreciate the journey just as much as the destination. So, although, thankfully, my drive has been shortened back and forth from the hospital, I really am longing for the day when I can return to home and become a commuter once again.

I think I would have made a fabulous truck driver...except for the backing up part.