Baby Shabooblah

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Look what came in the mail

Great gift from Sha's primary nurse. Someday, we will trek to BC to visit this landmark named for Sha!!


The washing machine is broken!! What do we do? Pa is at work still...panic ensuing. Run around like crazy people. Lucky for Sha he has about 100 outfits to choose from so he should be alright for a little while. But Ma, Ma has about 2 outfits that fit her (apres pregnancy). Sheer panic. ARGH. I feel dirty. Do I start doing it by hand...get out the wash board and scrub...Pa would laugh his a$$ off if he came home and I was hand scrubbing the laundry in the bathtub. Too bad we don't have a washboard and a bar of ivory...

Sha and Ma and Great Grandma C went to Westmount for the day and shopped until we dropped. Have to go now to get ready for our 9am appointment at doc's tomorrow. What the heck am I going to wear?


Monday, November 20, 2006


After much debate, humming and hawing, Sha and Ma went for a car ride together today! Yippee!! It wasn't far, but it was very exciting for both of us. Sha slept through the entire experience and Ma sang her lungs out to the radio. I stopped about 5 times on the ride there just to make sure he was ok. (neurotic?!?) We had a gourmet lunch with our special NP, Dee and headed for home. I feel like we just landed on the moon. "One small step for Ma, one big step for mankind". Ma was SWEATY by the time she got in the door. Whephf. STRESSFUL. But the anticipation sure was worse than the journey.

Tomorrow, we are packing our bags for our first Mommy outing. Sha and his pal are going shopping and we are going to clear out the mall. Ma has been packing and repacking for about 6 hours this evening.

I wrestled the carseat on the floor like the ROCK vs. Stonecold (are there any other I would know?!?) and WON! I have to admit that I have thought many times in the past, what could be so difficult about adjusting a car seat, big deal. But it is tough. More difficult than I had anticipated, really.

So, about 3000 items later and Sha bathed. It is finally 11:00pm and I started at 9:00 this morning. This trip out today was perfect for my soul. I am so excited about tomorrow. 2 babies, 2 moms, 1 mall.

Sha has a doctor's appointment on Friday for his RSV immunization at 9:00 am. So I think I will have to start getting ready at about 3am. Whoopie!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

I love my family!

What a hoot! The wedding was a smashing success. Lots of food, drinks and dancing (well...what we call dancing). I think I've been a little down this last week just knowing that I had to leave Pa and Sha behind to travel to the wedding, over night. It is hard to see everyone enjoying their children at an event, just to know that your baby is at home!! It is so surreal to see that there is another generation forming. I know that they may not be as close to their relatives, as I feel to my cousins, but it is so awesome to see cousins (who I consider friends) grow into parents. And do a really great job. I am really glad that I had the time to visit with my family. Everyone had a blast.

My family. They could rival any entertainment group on earth. They laugh and they make their own fun. No matter what we do. I am so grateful to be a part of it. Baby Sha and Pa had a weekend of football! Sha is going to go up to be a fan. I can just see it now!

Uncle Ka looked like a fine young man at the wedding. Can he almost be 19? It is touching to see him grow up. I am so proud of him. He is doing great at school and stops by on the weekend for a "sleepover" with Sha almost each week.

G2g Sha is fussing, hungry, hungry hippo.
