Baby Shabooblah

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Me and My Little Turkey

Day 76 of Life - September 2nd

The little monkey didn't really want to participate during last night's breastfeeding they ended up giving him the feed via tube.

It's been a busy day for the little one today. The NPCU is now clean, so he was moved back this morning. Way to go, Buddy!

Grandma McF came for a visit and Grandma, Grandpa, Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Cush were coming this evening.

And...I went to the hospital with Ma for the 3:00 breastfeeding session. He was a good boy today! He took 10 mL via breast and another 6 mL via bottle. By then, he was too tired to continue, so he got the rest via tube. And...while he got fed by tube, I held him!!! My goodness, that kid is the most adorable little guy I have ever seen...although, I could be a little biased!!! He was smiling away and sticking his tongue out at me...little Turkey!

Ma and Pa are going to bathe and weigh him tonight, so I'll have a new weight for the little Piglet tomorrow!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Day 75 of Life - September 1st

Not too much to report today...happy day! The Turkey now weighs 2185 g (4.817 lb) and is officially now over 3 times his birth weight. I swear, he gets the weight gain thing from me...and he's darn good at it!!!

He did some breastfeeding earlier today and was able to eat 6 cc before falling asleep, so Ma gave him the rest via pump. He is going to try again at his 9:00 feeding...hopefully, he'll be able to get a little more before falling asleep!

Ma and I just went out for dinner at a fairly new restaurant called Moxie's. It was obvious that all of the waitresses don't eat the food...or any food for that matter! I've never seen that many emancipated people in one place! However, I will say that the service and food were excellent! And it was a great place for people watching.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Day 74 of Life - August 31st

Sorry for the late post. Ma and I had a work party tonight and I just got home. Before leaving town, I made sure that Ma was safely in her "new home"!

Well, first off, the Little One was moved back into the NICU today. The good news is that it had nothing to do with him or his progress. The NPCU has actually been closed for cleaning, so all of the patients have been transferred back to the NICU.

The staff are now adding fortifier to his formula feeds and have decreased the amount that they are giving him. He will still get the same amount of calories as before, but with the decrease in volume, hopefully he will stop spitting up so much. If it doesn't help, they may have to put him on a drug called Ranitidine that will help control this.

The only other news is that he had a very successful feed at breast today. He got 14 cc of milk and finished the rest of the feed by bottle! Yeah for Ma and the little Turkey!!!

Tonight was bath and weigh-in night, so I will have a new weight for tomorrow. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

This Little Piggy Went to Market...

The Home Away From Home

Pictures courtesy of Ma. Pa said it best when he said, "Ma really likes this place...I don't know if you can tell"!!!

Day 73 of Life - August 30th

Well, I don't have too much to report on the little Turkey tonight...but what I do have to say is happy, happy news! He has passed 2 more milestones!!!

First of all, little Sha now weighs in at 2025 g (or 4.464 lb)! So, he has almost tripled his birth weight and he got another ribbon!!!

And now for the best news...after nursing handover tonight, little Sha is moving to the NPCU (the Neonatal Progressive Care Unit), which is the second last step towards going home!!! Such a good boy! That only leaves Care By Parent...

In other news, Sha is scheduled for an MRI next Tuesday. There's nothing to be concerned's actually part of the study thta he is enrolled in.

Ma tried a different type of bottle today, since the boy keeps desaturating during feeds. However, Sha showed his displeasure with this bottle by spitting up twice! I'm sure they won't be trying that again!!!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Day 72 of Life - August 29th

Yippee! Another slow news day for Little Sha! He had another go at breastfeeding today, but didn't get too much, so Ma fed him a full bottlefeed afterwards. He did have a small bradycardia this morning and the staff is not quite sure why, but he has been fine ever since.

Ma is currently at the Ronald McDonald House. She had to change rooms, which means cleaning her previous one, and she is working on that. After nursing handover, she will go to the hospital for bath and weigh-in night. So, I should have a new weight for y'all tomorrow. After the bath, mother and son will try breastfeeding again.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Day 71 of Life - August 28th

As of today, the little one has reached 36 weeks gestation. Only 4 more weeks until he is considered "full term"!!! Wow...for the most part, time has really flown!!!

I hope to be able to say this over and over again (and actually mean it!) ... There isn't really much to report about the little one today. He has spent the day practicing looking cute and gaining weight (although he doesn't really need the practice for either) and spending time with Ma.

Ma gave him a bottle at 3:00, but 20 mL into the feed, the Turkey threw up all over himself. Needless to say, the staff fed him the rest of his feed via pump and Ma had to change him. He his now sporting an adorable green outfit!

Great Grandma and Grandpa Cush are coming to the hospital tonight for a visit and Ma has checked into the Ronald McDonald House. Pa is going to stay with her tonight. So, here's hoping that tomorrow will be another "slow news day"!!!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Day 70 of Life - August 27th

It was a very quiet day for the little one today. He tried breastfeeding again, but Ma doesn't think he got too much. She chalks it up to her milk supply.

Otherwise, he had a nice day with Ma and Pa, with also a brief visit from Uncle Kabooblah.

However, it was bath and weigh-in night tonight. So, I am happy to report that the Turkey now weighs 1990 g (or 4.387 lbs). Apparently, the oral feeds aren't slowing him down too much!!!

Ma is now on her way home to pack for her long stay at Ronald McDonald House.