Baby Shabooblah

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Day 87 of Life - September 13th

Sha's 3:00 bottle feed didn't go so well today, but on the up side, his oxygen requirements have gone down yet again. He's working really hard at breathing and keeping his oxygen saturation up, so eating might be a little too much for step at a time. Besides, why bother working at eating when you know that someone will feed you through a tube? You can sleep AND still feel full!!!

The little Turkey has also lost another 15 g and now weighs 2360 g (5.203 lb). (He definitely does NOT get that from me!!!) This is likely still due to fluid, as he is eating and digesting well. However, I will say that the little one now has little rolls of "meat" at the top of his freaking cute!!! He is still receiving the Aldactazide to prevent the fluid retention and it seems to be working!


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