Baby Shabooblah

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Day 83 of Life - September 9th

At bath time last night, little Sha weighed 2405 g, which means that he has lost 25 g since his last weigh-in. This is likely a more accurate picture of his weight, as he has, hopefully, gotten rid of most of the fluid in his lungs. The staff has also started him back on Aldactazide, the less harsh diuretic, to help prevent the collection of fluid in his lungs. However, he is still over the 5 lb mark (5.302 to be exact)!!!

He does look a lot better than he has in awhile...although he never actually looks BAD...cuz he's the cutest baby EVER!!! I stopped in to see him yesterday and he is definitely more awake and alert than I have seen him in awhile! Ma and Pa have really noticed a difference. So, hopefully, this will help him in his oral feeds!

Pa had to work today and is having a rest. He'll pick up Ma at RMH on his way to the hospital after nursing that they can both spend time with the boy.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Day 82 of Life - September 8th

Sorry...not too much to say tonight...another slow news day (but that's perfectly okay with me!). Little Sha has spent the day chillaxin'! He practiced being cute, resting and growing strong...although he's been pretty good doing all of these things!!!

The little "joey" had a nice long rest on Ma today, while she alternated between reading and chatting to him. She's giving him a bath and weighing him now. Hopefully, this will give us some idea about how much fluid "weight" he's been carrying.

The only other news is that the eye doctor has said that his retinopathy of prematurity is now in regression!!! Yeah...we couldn't be happier! Way to go, Turkey!!!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Day 81 of Life - September 7th

As of last night, the little Turkey weighs 2430 g (5.357 lb). However, he had a chest X-ray today, which showed that his lungs are full of fluid...almost completely. So, oral feeds are now on hold until Monday...when they will review him again. He will still receive full feeds via tube, though...which he'll be VERY happy about!!!

They've given him a dose of Lasix, to try to get rid of the fluid in his lungs. This means that the weight is showing higher than it actually is. So, for the next few days, no oral feeds for the little one and he'll have repeated blood tests, to make sure that he's not losing too many important nutrients because of the diuretic.

When he can gets over this, his oxygen requirements should improve, especially during feeds. So, although this seems like a small set-back, it's actually it will help the little Piggy's progress.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Day 80 of Life - September 6th

Just a couple of side notes... Thanks to the "GDHS Girls" (you know who you are) for their generous gift. I have passed it on to the appropriate people. Ma and I haven't seen most of you guys in so long and your thoughtfulness is incredibly touching. Thank you.

Also, good luck to Sha's partner in crime, Sharpie, who is starting her last year of university this week. We miss you dearly!!!

The wee one continues to do us proud. The little Turkey weighs 2325 g (5.126 lb), with another weigh-in tonight.

The staff has been turning up the boy's oxygen during oral feeds, to help prevent him from desaturating. Ma was told yesterday that this won't be happening anymore and yesterday's oral feeds didn't go all that well. However, Sha took a full bottle for his 3:00 feed, without desaturating, and as long as he was awake and in the mood, they were going to try to give him his 6:00 feed orally as well. Otherwise, a very quiet day for the Turkey/Piggy...thankfully!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Sept 5 - Happy Birthday Auntie

Dear Auntie,

On your birthday, I just wanted to say thank you for all of the wonderful things you have done to help me to celebrate Xander's birth and his journey in the NICU.

I think Elton said it best...(you know you know the tune!!)

And then if you can remember
Keep smiling, keep shining
Knowing you can always count on me, for sure
That's what friends are for
For good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for

Well you came in loving me
And now there's so much more I see
And so by the way I thank you

I love ya,

Ready for My MRI

Day 79 of Life - September 5th

Another quiet day for little Sha today. He went to have his MRI done. However, for an MRI, the patient must lay completely still, and surprise of surprise, the little turkey wouldn't cooperate. So, no MRI for the little one today.

Other than that, no news on our little one... Way to go, Buddy, keep up the good work!!!

Monday, September 04, 2006

Day 78 of Life - September 4th

Very little to report on the boy tonight. He took a full bottle from Pa today for his 3:00 feeding. It was bath and weigh-in night, so I should have a new weight for you tomorrow. He also has an MRI scheduled for tomorrow...remember, nothing to be concerned about! Other than that, nothing happening with the little one.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Day 77 of Life - September 3rd

I'm proud to report on another quiet day for little Sha. Our piglet continues to improve on oral feeds and weight gain. He now weighs 2260 g (4.982 lb), as of last night. We're getting very close to the 5 lb mark now!!!

At his 3:00 feed, he took a full bottle (42 mL) from Pa and took another 14 mL by bottle from Ma at his 9:00 feed. Then he fell asleep and they tube fed him the rest...but overall, a very successful day for the little one. During the feeds, he didn't really desaturate at all, so he seems to be getting better on that aspect, as well.

Ma and Pa went to a movie last night...for the first time in quite awhile. It was nice for them to take some time together. Ma is now headed back to RMH and Pa has gone home for a nap, but plans to return to RMH tonight.