Baby Shabooblah

Friday, March 23, 2007

Hearing Test

Sha had a hearing test today. He was required to sleep through the test, which didn't exactly happen. Sha's left ear was tested. He passed one test, however, he failed the other. Unfortunately, he awoke before we could have his right ear test. Apparently, Sha has fluid within his ear tubes. We have to retake the test on May 9th. Ma is going to make an appointment with our doc in hopes of going to see an ear specialist.

Ma has such issues with her hearing/ears that it just seems like the right thing to do!

Note to self:

I will also, make myself an appointment at ListenUp Canada for me.

Because ...
my grandfather is practically deaf
I am tend to be a little on the loud side (I suppose)
I have to wear earplugs to swim (and I love to swim...damnnit)
I am tired of saying "huh", which I know is rude
and turning up the volume

Chow for now. Not feeling much like writing...

Sha Takes a Trip to Toronto on VIA rail!!

You know you might have gained some materity leave weight when...

You are puked on during the train ride home.
You exit the train and realize your thighs are sticking together with barf.
The barf is heated by the friction of your thighs
Until it curdles. Ewwww.

Otherwise, Sha enjoyed the train ride, the subway, the ROM and the Eaton Centre!