Baby Shabooblah

Monday, March 05, 2007

And he...

turns on his own mobile. So damn cute. He settled down really quickly. He is fricken Einstein! Nighty night, I hope.

Up again and then down

Round 1. Ding, ding, ding. Goes to Ma and Pa. 10:00 awake for a bottle and diaper change and a little cuddle. 10:30 back to sleep. As I type this message, baby is going to be darn long night. Poor neighbours. I'm sorry. We are trying!!!!

Sha was awake

Ummm....until about 2am last night. The crib has been a big change for us all. So tonight, we are trying the bath, book and bed routine. I'm crossing my fingers because he is currently SLEEPING! I am going to be seriously screwed up in the morning. What are the bets he is up at 5 am?

Big Boy Bed!

Sha has moved to his crib. After much anguish (on the part of Ma), Sha has moved to his crib from his bassinet. Unfortunately, bed times are very mixed up and Sha is having an interesting time adjusting to his new room and new sleeping quarters. Sha knew how to fall asleep in his bassinet and as soon as he was down he was asleep. He is unsure of what is going on in his new crib. Tonight, Ma tried to put him down but ended up bringing him down for a "swing" until he fell asleep. Then it was off to the crib for a second night in a row. As for the time that Sha spent in his crib, Sha played his new game of picking up his legs as high in the air as they can go and slamming them down on the mattress. He does this over and over and over until the floor shakes above Ma's head. Too funny. He is very interested in turning on his crib mobile and bangs and bangs on it if it will not turn on. It sounds quite like he is building something up there. Once Ma gets the settings right, it should work every time. Ma plans on trying to work on getting more of a schedule for Sha's naps and down time because he is starting to act as though it might work!

Time will tell :-)

Read, read, read. Hope for the best. Cross my fingers. I am really not good at routine!

(then maybe I should work on my bedtime.)

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Tim Hortons

How I miss thee
The coffee shop that I once loved.
We had an affair,
Timmy and I
Ran away together on a highway
Made of ribbons of
chocolate sugar.


We were closer then two
should ever be.
Even when you introduced
Steeped tea and increased
your prices.
I turned a blind eye
that you did not accept interact
and expected me to have cash
And changed to

Or the exponential amount of times
when you mixed up my order
I accepted your choices
Decided you must know what I need.
A coffee instead of tea.
At least it was


I loved you before
you had video images
in your drive thru.
Before your plasma TV.
Predating the new uniforms
and roll-up the rim.
When Timbits were a treat
Not a hockey team.


Do you know I drive 20
minutes each way to see you?
You do not live in my town.
Do you know the price of gas?

I still held a torch for you.

Even when you asked if
I would like a flavour shot
of orange in my French Vanilla.
I should have seen the signs
Of you slowly losing your mind.


I dealt with the
issue of rotating products.
Apple cider
Triple chocolate muffins
In a rotation they would say.


I slept knowing that they
too would return.

Why have you taken away the
Garden Veggie Sandwich?
Why? Whyyyyyy?

I can't sleep.