Baby Shabooblah

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Sha's Celeb Look-a-likes

Go to

Free thing to do with the kiddos. Upload photo and see what happens in face recognition.

Monday, February 19, 2007

What Exactly is Mat Leave?

Apart from the baby things (which are a whole different post), mat leave has been a true break from the hustle and bustle of life. I highly recommend it!

Things I do now:

Roll change (thanks to my new coin sorter, a gift from the thoughtful Pa). I can spend hours hunting down all of the loose nickles and dimes in our couch. I gotta roll of pennies! You laugh but we had $200.00 sitting around this place. Who knew?

Light police. Lights go on. I switch them off. Ha ha, take that extra wattage. I now have time to be retentive about the damage we are causing to the environment. This makes Pa crazy. OCD anyone?

Extra time to enjoy our mattress warmer with dual controls for each of us. I think these two kind of cancel each other out. Curl up in the middle of the day in a warm bed, with baby and read books. You should really get one.

Reading Facebook. What are people saying? I just have to know. Now.

Procrastinating housework. Don't feel like doing laundry? Can't quite make it over to the sink? Luckily, there is always tommorrow, and the day after that and the day after that.

Monday dread and Friday thrill. Each day slides leisurely into the next. I have even caught myself thinking, what day is today? Which I LOVE.

No sense of urgency. I felt it slip away the day Sha was born. I'm learning to lollygag and drag my heels like a stubborn ol' mule. I like it. It's about exhaling after holding your breath for about 10 years. I'm trying something new. It is good for the soul.

Successfully showering. Showering used to be a quick start to my day. I never gave the thought of jumping in and out much thought. A shower on mat leave is a huge accomplishment. In the "run down of successful things I did today" to Pa, this is number one. I showered. Hooray for me. Somebody make me a T-shirt.

Eerie silence. This house is quiet. I am beginning to like it. I have never spent this much time in quiet. It isn't half bad.

Making grocery lists. I ummmm...never really grocery shopped before. I did it once in a while. Sporadic patterns of grocery shopping. Now I take time to make a list. What do we need? What will we have for dinner tonight? Pa hates preplanning meals. Call him. Me: Do you want a roast for dinner? Pa: How about tomorrow?(which means never). This is another one of my favourite things. He hates coming home to a home cooked meal. He loves Hamburger Helper and he likes it his way. And I, in turn, don't cook. But I offer now. Which is new.

Bras. Who needs em? Changing from one set of pjs to the next. Rock on.

Sit downs. Hundreds of sit downs. Get up, change baby. Sit down. Get up, get bottle. Sit down. Cuddle baby.

Leisure napping. I hear that when you have a baby, you give up all right to sleeping. Not so. Sha is a sleeper extraordinare! And a night hawk to boot. Midnight till 8am. And then up for a bottle and change. Then a nap until 10. Back for a nap at 3. And maybe another quick one at 6. Love to sleep. Not surprising as Pa and I could sleep for 72 hours straight. Literally. This is by far my favourite thing about Pa. I could NEVER, EVER be married to an early riser. Can you imagine? Ugh.

Mapping activities around TV shows. Eleven is the VIEW. We must be awake for the VIEW. But if we miss it, we can watch it at one. Thank god. Who knows what Rosie is going to say next?

Paying kids to shovel the driveway. And telling Pa that I did it. ('cause I'm smart, sometimes). Nothing like a few bucks to watch someone else get something done around here. Wow, you guys sure can shovel! Come on back next time it snows.

Researching things on the internet. Google Earth. The time I have lost to Google Earth. Ohhh...if I could only get that back.

I sure am going to miss this lifestyle. I'm soaking this up because the next time I get to do this I'll be 65...or...70...or....80.