Baby Shabooblah

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Day 110 & 111 of Life - October 6th & 7th

The little Turkey failed his first carseat challenge, so they tried again on Friday, but this time they also used a "travel bud". Basically, this is a large piece of fabric-covered foam that goes into the carseat. The little one sits in it and it helps hold his body in the proper position, allowing him to breathe easier. Dr. B looked over the results today and has agreed that he passed this challenge! Yippeee!!! Another hurdle passed...

The little one also had an oxygen test, where they take him totally off the oxygen and monitor his blood oxygen saturation levels. He failed this test, but this is the only test that they actually wanted him to fail. These results are passed onto the government and prove that his oxygen is a medical requirement...which means that Ma and Pa will receive funding for his oxygen equipment when he comes home.

As of 3:00 am this morning (Saturday), little Sha had been on full oral feeds for 24 hours. Before he can go home, he has to be on full feeds for at least 48 hours, without any problems. I will say this, though... At his 3:00 feed this afternoon, little Sha proved that if there is ever a vomitting Olympic event, he will definitely win the gold medal! He managed to projectile vomit to the other side of Ma's body, which was also Ma's last pair of clean clothes!

Pa is on feed-care patrol solo tonight. It's amazing to me that I have known him for so long and he still manages to surprise me once in awhile. Earlier this week, he called to ask me to kidnap Ma tonight, offering to care for little Sha while Ma got a much-needed break.

So, the original plan was for me to kidnap her, take her to dinner and then bring her home for some rest. However, since the little Turkey threw-up all over her last set of clean clothes, our dinner plans had to be altered. So, it was take out night and Ma caught a 4-hour nap on my couch. Many thanks to Pa for being a loving, observant, supporting husband...there are not a lot of people who would make that offer to a clearly exhausted woman.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Bridget Jones eat your heart out

From the beginning, I have been asked over and over again whether it is better to know people in the NICU or not to know people. And of course, it is better...except...

In the late morning, I was still in my pjs. And I decided to take a quick run out to the sterilizer which is down the hall but still within the confines of Care by Parent. Unfortunately, a male staff came in to visit. And I was sans bra. So I quickly tried to beeline for my room at a semi walk, trying to be non obvious about my state. So...I'm kind of in a run/walk and I made it into my room. But the guy, must have thought I was just in a hurry, so he kept up with me!

I casually turned my back to him to pretend that I'm staring lovingly at my baby and of course there is a big rush of hormones, because Sha is so damn cute and making hungry faces...gush. And so I'm soaked. Ugh. I had to him to leave.

"You need to go"

I'm really, really, really hoping he didn't know why. Maybe he just thinks I'm rude. I hope.

This moment brought to you by the makers of Domperidone and Blue Light.

Day 109 of Life - October 5th

The little hat featured in the pics is courtesy of The Sharpies (and hand-delivered by Mama Sharpie). Ma put the hat on the "little devil" after he threw-up all over her...she thought it was appropriate!

Tomorrow, Ma and Pa (and family) will take a course in "baby" CPR. This is a requirement before the little one can go home. I'm told, though, that we won't be allowed to practice the CPR on real babies during the course!!!

I will try to update the blog tomorrow night, but I am staying with Ma and Turkey, so I cannot promise anything...the little one keeps everyone hopping!!! I will post as soon as I am able!

A busy day for the little Turkey today. He had his carseat challenge, which every infant in the NICU has to pass before they are discharged. If an infant does not pass the challenge, then they will be discharged in a carbed, instead of a carseat. During his "challenge", the little one was strapped into his carseat for 1 1/2 hours and during that time, they monitored his vitals, including his blood oxygen saturation, and recorded any dips. I'm not sure if the little one passed, but I do know that he was doing pretty well when I was there. After he got over his interest in the new "gadget" that he was sitting in, he even had a nap!!!

He had a chest X-ray yesterday, at Ma's request, and it showed nothing concerning. He does not appear to be retaining any fluid.

Tomorrow, the little one will likely go up to 7 oral feeds a day, meaning that he only has 1 more to go until he is on full oral feeds. Yippeee!!! He will also have some blood tests, as they increased his dose of Aldactazide (the diuretic). This will hopefully be his last set of blood tests before going home.

Keep up the good work, you stubborn little Turkey. We are all rooting for you and are so proud of you!!!

New Vids Also Available

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Day 108 of Life - October 4th

I just got finished doing a load of laundry for Ma and Sha...why? Well, the little Turkey threw-up all over himself and Ma today, so that means laundry!

Even though he threw-up a couple of times, he has still managed to gain 42 g since yesterday!!! He now weighs 3048 g (6.72 lb)...apparently the combination of Ma's milk, formula and the human milk fortifier is doing a world of good. Who knows what the butterball will weigh by the time Thanksgiving actually rolls around!!!

He is also receiving 6 oral feeds a day and is quickly working his way up to 7! His mouth is still bright blue/purple and he has one more day with that medication, which will hopefully clear up his infection.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Day 107 of Life - October 3rd

Well, with Canadian Thanksgiving approaching, the Little Turkey continues his preparations! He now weighs 3006 g (6.627 lb) and is becoming quite the little butterball!!!

They've turned his oxygen back up and his feeds are going much better. He's no longer attempting to sleep through his meals and is even waking up WAY in advance. He woke up at 5:00 tonight for his 6:00 feed...and boy did he get grumpy!!!

He also has an infection in his mouth, which they suspect could be yeast. This happens often and they have been treating it with a cream. However, it doesn't seem to be helping, so today, they started him on another drug that is bright purple/blue in colour. When I went into see him at lunch, he looked as though he was wearing lipstick!!! And then he stuck his tongue out at me and it was the same shocking colour!!! Anyway, I had to take a picture of that, of course...for future embarrassment because that's what Aunties do!!! So, stay tuned for that.

SIN numbers

I should have stayed in bed today.

A. It is raining.
B. I hate mornings.

So I trudge out in the rain to get Sha a SIN number. I end up in the wrong building and wait about an hour for service.

The other day I bought a "Mom" purse. It is huge, I know. But it is kind of stylish...

When I am finally called to a cubicle, I take my Mom purse and fumbled it on the ground. Unfortunately, I had loaded my Mom purse with an econo sized box of tampons, loosely floating around in the bottom. So, this tampon bomb explodes all over the cubicle floor.

The government guy leans down to help me pick them all up. Ugh.

And he says, "Do you work for Tampax or something?"

"Yeah. They are customer samples."

Oh, dignity...where have you gone?

I think I'm going to change back into my pjs and curl up for the rest of the day.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Time Flies

A baby's born, Mama cries
She sees a glance of his Daddy there in his eyes
Take him home and watch him sleep
Stand and wonder who he's gonna be
Then it's Tonka trucks and baseball gloves
Then his first kiss and his first love
Oh, the innocence just don't last
Our dreams and our future go by so fast

Mountains move, rivers run
Shadows fall with the setting sun
Thunder rolls, lightning strikes
The darkness comes and covers up the light
And time flies

An old man sits alone
Trying hard to remember but his memory's gone
Up on the wall inside a frame
Hangs a couple on their wedding day
See through his eyes
The world looks grey
Life was full of colour
But the colours fade away

We all laugh and we all cry
We all live and we all die
But through it all and in between
Time flies

Day 106 of Life - October 2nd

Happy 41 weeks gestation, little one! My how time flies!

The little Turkey continues to do well on his feeds. He woke Ma up this morning at 5:30...with what was pretty much a cry...his first!!! Getting quite demanding in his "old age"... He was ready for his 6:00 feed...although a little early!!! (He definitely didn't get this from Ma...or me!!!)

They have also turned down his oxygen (to 60 L/min) and have him back on the oxygen saturation monitor. They are still saying that he will come home on oxygen, but they are trying to get it a little lower...testing to see if he's ready. He definitely appears more tired than usual, but isn't having any desaturations. Keep up the good work, little one!!!

As Promised...

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Day 105 of Life - October 1st

Another slow day, today. Sha is doing quite well on his oral feeds and has finished all of his oral feeds today, without throwing up! He had some quality time with Pa, while Ma tried to catch-up on some sleep, which is difficult, as she still has to get up to pump, but she did get some.

Little Turkey now weighs 2896 g (6.385 lb) and is enjoying every meal he gets! Belly up to the trough!!! He is still without his blood oxygen saturation monitor and there haven't been any problems so far...and it's a lot quieter now!!!

The outfits Ma bought yesterday are HUGE, so he won't be wearing those for awhile. It's amazing how even the tiniest clothes in the stores are still so big for him, and he's come so far. However, he definitely will grow into everything...especially at the rate he's going!!!

You know you are old...

When you spend the day in bed cuddling with your baby. And then you take a break to visit your bro Uncle Kabooblah, and he is outside, eating Mr. Noodles and watching girls wrestle in his yard...boxers and the dark.

I am really, really old.
