Baby Shabooblah

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Where are my boys?

My boys are gone. I have no idea where they are.

Whoopie! Ma is home ALONE. And there is a People magazine on the table for me to enjoy. Pa must have left it for me. It is so quiet. I slept. Mmmmmm....sleep. I can't believe I missed an entire day. But it felt soooo good.

Thank you Pa. You know exactly what I need.


Teething is tough

Motherhood has changed. Mothers have entered the workforce. They don't have jobs, they have careers. They now have the ability to purchase the newest craze for their child. Moms can afford the best in speciality walking shoes, black and white visually stimulating mobiles, Beethoven's symphony CD...if they make it, we can buy it. We have our own money and the pressure to invest in children's RESPs is, infact, the new black. Mothers are intent on raising the next generation of world changers, stock market brokers, NHL athletes or high profiled lawyers.

No one, it seems, is intent on raising the next local garbageman.

And we will buy it, especially if they claim to make our children into someone smarter or happier or calmer or Bono.

But there is a shift. We are able to afford to purchase the gadgets and the gear. However, there are many things we can't purchase.

Items not for sale.

Home blended babyfood. Is there irony in using Lysol to wipe down the countertop to cut up your organically grown pesticide-free bananas?

Babywearing, breastmilk, cosleeping, sign language. This is the new trend. Heck, some people are even using cloth diapers made from old flannel shirts. If your child is teething and you are awake at 4am you can enlighten your nomadic parenting brain with doses of message board banter.

Once you are attune to the basics you can qualify to shift gears into the top graces of motherhood. The highest advisors who write messages in shortform because they are too busy sewing clothes to type in sentences. A code language only interpreted by an elite few. There is DH (dear husband), BAK (breastfeeding at keyboard), EC (elimination communication - the ability to get your child to forgo diapers and pee on demand), and CIO (cry it out).

CIO is the idea that you would teach your child to self soothe and cry themselves to sleep. Thereby, learning a technique within a week to fall asleep very quickly. On their own.

Teething is my enemy.

I'm tired. I am CIOing myself. Creditcard Infomercial Ordering. CIO. It works. I feel better already!

My rotissery. It cooks food in half the time. You can order now and they will make one payment. An entire payment off of the price. It comes with a cookbook and all of the grease runs off the food and you get two extra baskets. But wait! Call now and you get a knife that is guaranteed to last until doomsday. Only pay shipping and handling....


Thursday, June 28, 2007


Sha's two top teeth have erupted through the gums today. The last few days have been tough. Sha has been awake for long hours, clingy and a wee bit angry. Currently, he is in his crib...I'm hoping he might just go down for the night...but...I think he has other plans. He is not crying but he is banging. Banging his feet off of the crib rails! Over and over and over. It sounds like he is building an ark or maybe an escape ladder! Bang, bang, bang. Our poor neighbours! They are probably wondering what the heck is going on over here! One more minute and I'm going to go up and bail him out of baby jail...

Speaking of eruptions, my EI was cut off today. Ugh. After assurances from their office that I would be extended because of Sha's hospital stay...whatever. Anyway, I'm not too upset because deep down I had a good idea of what would really happen when the time came. I think I might be prophetic. Maybe I should start a hotline! How could all of this happened a year ago and still be a mess?!? Am I the first preemie mom or does it just feel that way? This topic sucks. I give up. Incompetance wins and I don't care. That feels nice. I don't care. ha.

Okay. I bailed him out. Sha is here "pretending" to read a book and talking to it. "Woo ooo ooo" while he turns the pages with his feet. He has also become very proficient at waving. Tonight he waved "bye-bye" to Auntie and to Daddy (although Daddy wasn't going anywhere!!!). Cuteness.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I wish...

I had a camera that shot night vision videos in black and white in the dark. You are such a little ham. You lay in my bed, in the dark, where I am trying to not play too much with you, watch Leno, and hope that you will settle to sleep. It is suppose to end with me carrying you, sleeping to your crib for the night. Instead, you roll over and over and over and laugh in my face, your giggly happy baby laugh. It feels like a movie, a scripted Hollywood scene. Something so sweet and perfect and happy couldn't possibly happen in real life. But it is. And you roll around more. You grunt and strain to stay up on your arms so you can touch your forehead against mine until I only have one eye and then you turn your head, back and forth and back and forth, and giggle. Your sweet giggle. And you do it again and again and again. Because it is the funniest thing you have ever seen. And more rolling and giggling and you try to flip off the bed because you think you can fly. More giggling when I save you by your arm and pull back to the middle. It starts again. Over and over and over. Your giggling, your pushing on me with your feet to feel their strength, your tiny fingers shoved up my nose or in my ear or in my eye. Or pulling my fistfulls of my hair. It doesn't sound sweet, but it is, because you are so innocent and happy.

You curl up on the crook of my neck, like a little rag doll and fall into your happy dreams. You smile and you giggle when you sleep and your entire body shakes because you are remembering something fun...hopefully me.

I wish I could share it with everyone. This midnight cuteness. But with the lights on and the camera angles, it just isn't the same. It is a "you have to be there" kind of moment.

Somethings are best kept for Mommies.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Ma is finding it hard to remember when...

Bye, Bye

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Baby Sha first waved Bye-bye to his Grandpa McFadden today! Here we are trying to recreate the exciting event for the camera!

Sha's funny cousin!