Baby Shabooblah

Saturday, July 22, 2006

A Public Service Announcement

I just wanted to let all of our legitimate readers know that an Anonymous person has been posting spam in the comments section. This could actually be a spam bot...but if it is a real person, out of consideration for the legitmate readers, as well as Sha and his family, please stop doing this.

There are several ways that I can control this from happening, however for now, I have chosen to delete the posts. However, for you legitimate readers out there, if you see a posting saying something like "I find information here", please do not click on the link. This is not legitmate information about Sha or his journey. These links will actually take you to online casino sites. It saddens me that I actually have to write this on little Sha's blog...but I wanted to warn you all.

The Trial Run

The Aladdin...which hopefully, we will see again soon.

The "box" that replaced his intubation tube.

One of his quiet moments on Aladdin.

Adjusting to the new hoses.

This little piggy went to market...

"baby BAK ribs" has been looking after Sha for the last couple of weeks.

Sha receiving encouragement from Pa.

Grandma Cush...enjoying the little one.

Day 34 of Life - July 22nd

The little one had to be reintubated last night and is now back on the conventional ventilator. He is currently at a rate of 30. This isn't really a big surprise, as it was the first time that Sha tried the Aladdin and he had been doing all of his breathing on his own. It's to be expected that the little one would get tired, but his lungs got a little break from being forced to breathe...and now they are getting a break from having to do it on their own. They had to reintubate him because he kept throwing temper tantrums and couldn't maintain his blood oxgyen saturation levels...but it's still a step in the right direction.

Pa might get to hold him today, as long as little Sha behaves...which doesn't always happen, but hopefully, he will co-operate today!

Friday, July 21, 2006

Day 33 of Life - UPDATE

Oops... I forgot to mention that on the Aladdin, Sha is no longer intubated. Now, instead of the breathing tube, he has a little box strapped over his nose...which is much less invasive. The staff says that this is a trial and they may have to re-intubate him, if he doesn't behave...but they are hoping that re-intubation won't be necessary. However, the little one has already started manipulating the people around him. When he isn't happy with something, he gets really angry and his blood oxygen saturation level drops until someone comes and pays attention to him! He particularly enjoys having his bum cupped!!! (I'm not going to ask where he got this's safer that way!!!)

Also, since my last post, the little piggy has struck again...he's up to 12 cc every 2 hours and I can tell that he's ready for more. I stopped in briefly to see him on my way home...basically to tell him how proud we all are about his remarkable progress...and his little mouth was just a-working (that sounds hokey!)...and he had just been fed!

Day 33 of Life - July 21st

Go, little one, go! Sha was just taken off the conventional ventilator and is now on the Aladdin, which provides a steady stream of air into his lungs. This allows him to basically breathe on his own, but prevents his lungs from collapsing, as they are always slightly open. Dr. C described it as the same feeling you would get if you hung your head out of the car window while you're driving down the highway. (Note: Please don't do this at home...especially if you're the one driving!!!) The is a great move for the little guy and we're so proud of him.

They have also just removed the long line in his it's a gold star day. Keep it up, Turkey!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Day 32 of Life - July 20th

Another quiet day in the least for little Sha. His flow rate is now down to 15, meaning that per minute, he is receiving 15 assisted breaths from the ventilator. Excellent progress, considering that just a few days ago, he was pretty much receiving each breath from the ventilator. How far he has come since his surgery one week ago today! He is still on approximatley 38% oxygen...but it often varies throughout the day.

Go little piggie go... Sha is now receiving 11 cc of breastmilk every 2 hours. He hasn't been weighed since Monday...but if I were to guess, I would say that the little one is gaining weight...based on his consistently increased feeds. This will help you grow big and strong, Turkey, so keep up the good work.

Other than that...not much new. They are stopping his morphine therapy, so although he still has his long line, we can expect that it should be coming out shortly.

Ma and Grandma C (Magical Garden Elf) have lucked out and are living the high life! They are staying in town for a couple days and have secured a room through the Ronald McDonald House (RMH). Except that they were full, so Ma and Grandma have gotten a luxurious room at a local hotel instead... I tell you, the RMH is an amazing charity for parents/families of children with serious illness. Ma and Grandma are enjoying some much-needed R&R, and get to be close to the boy too.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Day 31 of Life - July 19th

Overall, another fairly uneventful day for Sha. The long line should come out tomorrow, as he isn't using it anymore. The piglet continues to prosper...he's now up to 10 cc of breastmilk every 2 hours. His flow rate is down again and he's enjoying the extra food! Kudos to Dr. B for doing a great job.

Ma is still on unpaid leave of absence, but is just waiting for her doctor to complete the sick leave form. Unfortunately, he's on vacation this week, but this is in progress. Once this paperwork is complete, it will be processed and then Ma should get paid...finally!

Ma and Grandma Cush (aka the Magical Garden Elf) are spending some quality time with each other and the boy. It's good for them to get to spend some time together...and it also gives Pa a break as well!!!

A Celebration

Great job, Sharpie! He'll enjoy this with breastmilk!!!

The best place to be.

Snug as a bug in a rug!

The perfect way to celebrate 1 month.

Happy as can be.

Sweet as pie.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Day 30 of Life - July 18th

Happy 1 month birthday, Little One! Sha decided to celebrate his 1 month birthday by going up to 9 cc of breastmilk every 2 hours! Such a good boy. So, he's totally off his TPN (liquid nutrition that he's been receiving since birth) and they are planning on giving him his last dose of morphine tomorrow...which means that he could have his long line out tomorrow! This kid is amazing!!!

Otherwise, not too much is new. Ma got to hold him again tonight and his flow rate is down from 35 yesterday to 28 today. Keep on keeping on, Little Turkey!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Day 29 of Life - July 17th

Happy 30 weeks gestational age, little Turkey! Overall, today was a pretty good day for the little one...a nice way to celebrate 30 weeks. He was taken off the Jet ventilator today and put on the conventional vent. His oxygen saturation isn't very stable at this point, as he is still adjusting to the change, but I hope that will even out soon. He is still receiving 8 cc of breastmilk every 2 hours...but I know that he wants more! They are going to start him on human milk fortifier, a powder that increases all the levels of the good stuff already in Ma's milk.

The little one was weighed for the first time in a little while, as they could not weigh him while he was on the Jet ventilator. He currently weighs 950 g (2.09 lbs) ...but that's not bad considering they had to hold his feeds for a couple of days pre- and post-surgery. They are also going to start weaning him off his intravenous morphine onto oral morphine, so that they can take out the long line in his foot. All in all, not a bad day for a monkey that's only 30 weeks gestation!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Wrapped Up Like a Blue Burrito

The new incubator and keep it nice and dark for sleeping.

Day 28 of Life - July 16th

Sha had a bad chest X-ray today...again confirming that his lungs are damaged. However, he is still doing very well. They moved him to a different type of incubator today...which is a good sign. He is also up to 8 cc of breastmilk every 2 hours! Go little piggy, go!!! They won't increase his feeds beyond that point until he is off the morphine, which they are still giving him to keep him comfortable. They won't stop the morphine until he is off the Jet ventilator and back on the conventional one. Unfortunately, there is no news on how long this will be...but he will continue to receive 8 cc every 2 hours, which is pretty darn good! Otherwise, another quiet day for the little one in the NICU.