Baby Shabooblah

Thursday, July 05, 2007

An hour

of my life that I won't get back.

- I've worked here for 2 years, and it isn't possible to extend your claim. I know what I'm talking about.

OK. I've read all of your policies. And it is. So can you check? (goodie. A newbie!)

You would have needed to return to work.

No. That is a rumour I heard a lot too. But it isn't true. (Totally not true).

- I don't need to check.

I think you should. (maybe take a policy refresher course and invite your coworkers?)

- Hold. ~walk the way the wind blows...hoping for you be here~

Oh. Ok. Yeah. You can. You need a specialist.

- Yeah. (actually, I think I am the specialist...can I just be paid a salary and get a job with you?)

I see it can be done but I can't do it. (I can hear you typing, you have a computer, can we use it?)

- Yeah. (shock and awe!)

I'll put another request through. It will be two business days.

- Perfect. So I just call back on Monday? ('cause I really doubt your specialist is going to call).

No. We are going to call you back in two business days. (Really?!?)

- But if you don't call, I call you? (thank god it is a 1-800 number).



I'm thinking about getting an iPhone. My research concludes it includes the following features:

1. Phone calling
2. Camera
3. Music
4. Internet

Which, of course, I have. But not all in one device.

Today was supposed to be the day EI called me back. Well, actually, that was yesterday, but I gave them today as a "gimme", a "mulligan", a "get out of jail free card".

Because the specialists at EI don't accept incoming calls. Yeah...I know. You heard this story before. You have to talk to a rep and then they take down your number and the specialist will call you back in 24 hours. But they don't.

And, I can't call them. They don't give out their ext to the public. Real nice.

But this iPhone, I have to have it.

Imagine a world, where I can spend more time on the phone trying to get answers, over and over again. But I can be anywhere. Anywhere! Where I can take pictures of myself rolling my eyes, pulling out my hair, banging my head off the wall, jabbing a pencil in my eye and flipping the bird. And send them in a click of a button.

And I can send them the link to this blog!

Ohhhhh...take me to a place where I can do all this and I can pick my version of music to play during the call. I'm thinking Ozzy Osbourne, Hells Bells or maybe...

I remember when, I remember, I remember when I lost my mind
There was something so pleasant about that phase.
Even your emotions had an echo
In so much space

And when you're out there
Without care,
Yeah, I was out of touch
But it wasn't because I didn't know enough
I just knew too much

Does that make me crazy
Does that make me crazy
Does that make me crazy

And I hope that you are having the time of your life
But think twice, that's my only advice
Come on now, who do you, who do you, who do you, who do you think you are,
Ha ha ha bless your soul
You really think you're in control

Well, I think you're crazy
I think you're crazy
I think you're crazy
Just like me

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

What to do on a quack, quack, waddle, waddle day?

Overcast = indoors = boring.

Ma and Sha went out today for a ride to Strathroy. We are in search of an outfit for him to wear as a RINGBEARER!! We perused the speciality shops but still didn't find the one that was just right.

Ma decided to slip into First Choice to get Sha's haircut. Of course, it is not his first hair cut (because that happened at St. Joes) but it is still a first (kind of) moment.

Anyway, my gut told me, do not attempt this at home.

So we slip into First Choice. She buzzes the back a little to get rid of his flyaways and then proceeds to use the scissors on the top.

Not feeling oh-so-comfy with the situation, I about we just use the clippers on top? Because I'm feeling like, this seems dangerous considering he is rocking around and beboping all over the place.

And she says, Naw, we do this all the time.


She cuts through her knuckle.

I knew it was bad because she said...I'll be right back I just have to clean this up. In a really hurried way and left to the bathroom.

About 1 minute later I realize, Yup, this is bad. And I go to find her. She looks like she is going to pass out, spending some time lying on the bathroom floor and admits she can't stand the sight of her own blood.

I load Sha into the truck. I load hairdresser into the truck.

We go to Emerg for stitches on hairdresser's finger. I help her call her mom and explain the situation at hand...errrr...knuckle.


I'm starting to worry that Sha thinks that everytime we go anywhere, we have to go to the hospital!

I wish we could just have a normal life...

Thank god I didn't bring my camera today.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Happy Canada Day...yeah it's late...but the pics just came back!