Baby Shabooblah

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Time Out!

Today Auntie and I went for a trip to the optometrist. Yes, well, sometimes life is bland. We are old. Adventures to the mall used to contain girly chatter of boys, clothes, shoes, accessories and labels. Now, we go get the old eyes checked.

While we were on our trip to Florida, Auntie and I read a novel. Bill Cosby. We took turns reading aloud and finished it. But our favourite part, had to be his rant about "old parts".

I have old parts.

My last trip to the optometrist was about ummm...more than a few years ago (ok, like 5ish) which is really too long. (Yeah, yeah, yeah I know.) The man doing my exam sang. "Do you see an E?" to a tune. Everything he said had a lilt. I just couldn't handle it. I spent the entire time this guy a real optometrist? Or is he just a poser?

So, I have found a new guy. A part of me thinks it is funny, because a new guy, means a new target. He happens to be in the mall. Today was our day.

Guy: Please have a seat and I will take a look in your eyes.
Me: (this is going to be funny...snicker to myself)
Guy: Ok. Just hold this here and look up there and I'll shine a light and HOLY SHIT!!
Me: Yeah.
Guy: Can you see?!?
Me: Yup. (This is really, really fun)
Guy: You have a huge scar on your eye! Do you know that?

My sense of fun. Don't tell the guy and let him DISCOVER the eye injury. He was probably having a really boring Saturday. As am I. I only made this eye appointment so I could have time out. Matter of fact, he was probably dreading the monotony of another Saturday of eye appointments. I mean, why the heck would anyone want to do this for a living? It looks quite boring to me.

I think I made his day!

Me: Yes. I had an eye injury as a child. So, yeah, I know.
Guy: Yeah! But do you know what this is like? Can you see at all? This is a blah, blah, blah...insert technical words here) scar. It's huge! I just can't believe you still have an eyeball.
Me: Yeah. (this guy wants to turn me into a journal article)
Guy: Wow. I've never seen something like this before and you still have your eyeball!
Me: Yeah.
Guy: Do you have a droopy eyelid?
Me: Does it look droopy? (what the hell kind of a question is that? wouldn't you be able to see it? now I'm am wondering about his eyesight..,)
Guy: No. But Geesh. Wow!

Guy scribbles on paper. Scribbling and humming and hawing and scratching and thinking.

Second phase.

Guy: We are going to use this "P". Tell me what you see.
Me: Nothing.
Guy: 1 or 2?
Me: Nothing.
Guy: 2 or 3?
Me: Nothing.
Guy: 3 or 4?
Me: Nothing. It is blank.
Guy: You don't see the P?!?
Me: No. Nothing. White.
Guy: Holy crap! We need the big E.
Me: (Laughing so hard I almost pee.)

Also, recounting the numerous eye exams I had to give at MTO - when I worked there. People would come in and I would say, "please read me all the letters from left to right." They would respond, "1, 5, 3, 5". Which would just about send me into hysterics. "Thank you sir, but they are actually all LETTERS. Try again..." And they wanted a licence?!? I digress...

Exam continues.
Guy: So your vision is 20/400 and 20/200. Does this make sense to you? I can only get a prescription for your one eye. Your one eye is considered legally blind.
Me: Yeah. Everything is kind of like a Monet.
Guy: You should be protecting that one good eye you got and be wearing glasses.
Me: I'll try. Smile. (orrr not. Long live Bausch and Lomb!).

Auntie: How did it go?
Me: Good. I'm lucky not to be a cyclops.
Auntie: Old parts??
Me: Yeah. Old parts.

I think I'm going to train Hyde to be a guide dog incase I need him.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Sometimes it helps to know people...

Today was our DFC visit. Really nothing exciting to report. Sha has low tone in his upper body and needs to gain more weight. Stuff we already knew...

Anyway, Dr. C kindly checked out Xander's ears for me. He reported that he had a "little bit of wax" in his one ear and Xander would not cooperate for him to get a good look at the other.

As I am aware, you should not stick anything smaller than your elbow in your ear. So, Dr. C recommended a little bit of baby oil at bedtime just to try to get it cleared out before his big hearing test.

So, I put a couple drops in at bedtime this evening. Sha was stirring, and seeing as we would like to see him bulk up, at about 1am, I went up to give him a bottle. He drank it up in about 2 minutes!

I went to lay him back down in his bed and I though...oh, he must have had a little throw up earlier. Because the sheets had a stain on it. But this is odd, because Sha does not throw up formula unless he is EXTREMELY angry. Which he wasn't.

Formula leaves an "orangy stain" when it dries. But the it hits me, that is GROSS ME OUT! THAT IS EAR WAX! Holy crap. No wonder I think he has trouble hearing me lately. That was a lot of ewwww...

I am so excited for tomorrow! I can't sleep!! Maybe when he wakes up it will be like a brand new, clearer, hearing world!!!!!

I am sitting at the computer GRINNING MY DAMN FACE OFF. :-)

Gotta love Dr. C!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

New baby!

Sha has a new baby Cousin, Kitty-kat! Miss Kitty was 9lbs and we are excited to here of her safe arrival. Sha will wait patiently until we are given the go ahead so Sha can give her some slobbery kisses.

Uncle Kabooblah started his new job today with great success.

Our friends, from the NICU have had one of their babies, Baby B readmitted to hospital. Our family will be praying for him during this most difficult time.


Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Sha's funny brother....ELMO!

Monday, May 21, 2007