Baby Shabooblah

Thursday, July 05, 2007

An hour

of my life that I won't get back.

- I've worked here for 2 years, and it isn't possible to extend your claim. I know what I'm talking about.

OK. I've read all of your policies. And it is. So can you check? (goodie. A newbie!)

You would have needed to return to work.

No. That is a rumour I heard a lot too. But it isn't true. (Totally not true).

- I don't need to check.

I think you should. (maybe take a policy refresher course and invite your coworkers?)

- Hold. ~walk the way the wind blows...hoping for you be here~

Oh. Ok. Yeah. You can. You need a specialist.

- Yeah. (actually, I think I am the specialist...can I just be paid a salary and get a job with you?)

I see it can be done but I can't do it. (I can hear you typing, you have a computer, can we use it?)

- Yeah. (shock and awe!)

I'll put another request through. It will be two business days.

- Perfect. So I just call back on Monday? ('cause I really doubt your specialist is going to call).

No. We are going to call you back in two business days. (Really?!?)

- But if you don't call, I call you? (thank god it is a 1-800 number).



  • At 9:45 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I seriously believe that if I keep on reading this blog at work - I may very well pee my pants one day from laughing so hard.

    How is it possible that everything that you guys do turns into a long lost episode of Everybody Loves Raymond?!?!??!

    Keep on writing Nan! God only knows EI Benefits will not likely cover therapy sessions - so this just may have to do!!!


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