Baby Shabooblah

Thursday, June 28, 2007


Sha's two top teeth have erupted through the gums today. The last few days have been tough. Sha has been awake for long hours, clingy and a wee bit angry. Currently, he is in his crib...I'm hoping he might just go down for the night...but...I think he has other plans. He is not crying but he is banging. Banging his feet off of the crib rails! Over and over and over. It sounds like he is building an ark or maybe an escape ladder! Bang, bang, bang. Our poor neighbours! They are probably wondering what the heck is going on over here! One more minute and I'm going to go up and bail him out of baby jail...

Speaking of eruptions, my EI was cut off today. Ugh. After assurances from their office that I would be extended because of Sha's hospital stay...whatever. Anyway, I'm not too upset because deep down I had a good idea of what would really happen when the time came. I think I might be prophetic. Maybe I should start a hotline! How could all of this happened a year ago and still be a mess?!? Am I the first preemie mom or does it just feel that way? This topic sucks. I give up. Incompetance wins and I don't care. That feels nice. I don't care. ha.

Okay. I bailed him out. Sha is here "pretending" to read a book and talking to it. "Woo ooo ooo" while he turns the pages with his feet. He has also become very proficient at waving. Tonight he waved "bye-bye" to Auntie and to Daddy (although Daddy wasn't going anywhere!!!). Cuteness.


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