Baby Shabooblah

Monday, July 17, 2006

Day 29 of Life - July 17th

Happy 30 weeks gestational age, little Turkey! Overall, today was a pretty good day for the little one...a nice way to celebrate 30 weeks. He was taken off the Jet ventilator today and put on the conventional vent. His oxygen saturation isn't very stable at this point, as he is still adjusting to the change, but I hope that will even out soon. He is still receiving 8 cc of breastmilk every 2 hours...but I know that he wants more! They are going to start him on human milk fortifier, a powder that increases all the levels of the good stuff already in Ma's milk.

The little one was weighed for the first time in a little while, as they could not weigh him while he was on the Jet ventilator. He currently weighs 950 g (2.09 lbs) ...but that's not bad considering they had to hold his feeds for a couple of days pre- and post-surgery. They are also going to start weaning him off his intravenous morphine onto oral morphine, so that they can take out the long line in his foot. All in all, not a bad day for a monkey that's only 30 weeks gestation!


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