Baby Shabooblah

Friday, July 21, 2006

Day 33 of Life - UPDATE

Oops... I forgot to mention that on the Aladdin, Sha is no longer intubated. Now, instead of the breathing tube, he has a little box strapped over his nose...which is much less invasive. The staff says that this is a trial and they may have to re-intubate him, if he doesn't behave...but they are hoping that re-intubation won't be necessary. However, the little one has already started manipulating the people around him. When he isn't happy with something, he gets really angry and his blood oxygen saturation level drops until someone comes and pays attention to him! He particularly enjoys having his bum cupped!!! (I'm not going to ask where he got this's safer that way!!!)

Also, since my last post, the little piggy has struck again...he's up to 12 cc every 2 hours and I can tell that he's ready for more. I stopped in briefly to see him on my way home...basically to tell him how proud we all are about his remarkable progress...and his little mouth was just a-working (that sounds hokey!)...and he had just been fed!


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