Baby Shabooblah

Monday, March 05, 2007

Sha was awake

Ummm....until about 2am last night. The crib has been a big change for us all. So tonight, we are trying the bath, book and bed routine. I'm crossing my fingers because he is currently SLEEPING! I am going to be seriously screwed up in the morning. What are the bets he is up at 5 am?


  • At 6:22 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ma - if you can take the basinette off the stand put that in the crib and let him sleep in it like that for a few nights. That way he is still in a comfortable place but can still get adjusted to his new surrondings. It might work. It's worth a try and don't worry about us we don't even hear him & if we did it's no big deal.



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