Baby Shabooblah

Thursday, November 23, 2006


The washing machine is broken!! What do we do? Pa is at work still...panic ensuing. Run around like crazy people. Lucky for Sha he has about 100 outfits to choose from so he should be alright for a little while. But Ma, Ma has about 2 outfits that fit her (apres pregnancy). Sheer panic. ARGH. I feel dirty. Do I start doing it by hand...get out the wash board and scrub...Pa would laugh his a$$ off if he came home and I was hand scrubbing the laundry in the bathtub. Too bad we don't have a washboard and a bar of ivory...

Sha and Ma and Great Grandma C went to Westmount for the day and shopped until we dropped. Have to go now to get ready for our 9am appointment at doc's tomorrow. What the heck am I going to wear?



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