Baby Shabooblah

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Day 81 of Life - September 7th

As of last night, the little Turkey weighs 2430 g (5.357 lb). However, he had a chest X-ray today, which showed that his lungs are full of fluid...almost completely. So, oral feeds are now on hold until Monday...when they will review him again. He will still receive full feeds via tube, though...which he'll be VERY happy about!!!

They've given him a dose of Lasix, to try to get rid of the fluid in his lungs. This means that the weight is showing higher than it actually is. So, for the next few days, no oral feeds for the little one and he'll have repeated blood tests, to make sure that he's not losing too many important nutrients because of the diuretic.

When he can gets over this, his oxygen requirements should improve, especially during feeds. So, although this seems like a small set-back, it's actually it will help the little Piggy's progress.


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