Baby Shabooblah

Sunday, July 15, 2007


Sha was finally able to meet with the ENT doctor! Yeaaa for us. :-)

It has been a long, long time in the works and it feels like we are making progress.

Sha failed another hearing test and currently has a 40% loss of hearing. The audiologist explained that this means that what he actually hears is comparable to wearing the silicone ear plugs. We have been advised to try to minimize background noise at home, including tv and radio, while we are talking to Sha and to try to speak directly to him. He is concerned that Sha is not babbling or mimicking us.

We are being scheduled (hopefully very soon)to have tubes placed in Sha's ears. The surgeon will also be suctioning out all of the fluid while he is operating.

We will have another preop appointment as well.

We hope that this will increase his hearing abilities and at least help us to understand if he has nerve damage or just a fluid problem.

Check one thing off the list!

After the surgery we will be scheduled for an audiology appointment again.

He has also agreed to take a look at Sha's vocal cords while he is performing the surgery. I have always been very aware that Sha does not have strong vocals and due to his feeding issues, he thinks it might be a good idea to take a peek. He is not able to follow this, if it is a problem, and we will be referred to Children's Hospital in London (but the waiting list is looooooonnnng).

I am looking forward to having some answers...oh and not being puked on would be nice too.

The surgeon is extremely kind and had an amazing bedside manner with Sha. It almost felt awkward not to be rushed through an appointment.

On the list of surgeries (because he wanted us to disclose everything) I included Sha's PDA ligation (of course). Which was met with a "do you mind if I take a look at that?" and a "amazing, that is truly amazing".

Waiting for answers is more difficult then having them!

Oh yes, and EI finally called back. I may just get paid next week. May. Woo hoo! Party at my house. I have to admit that my favourite part of the conversation had to be, "sorry you had to deal with my coworkers, they totally don't understand the policy". Brillant. Talking to someone who wasn't a drone sure made me happy!


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