Baby Shabooblah

Monday, July 31, 2006

Day 43 of Life - July 31st

Another quiet day for Sha. He is still on the Aladdin and going quite strong, although he still desaturates during his many temper tantrums! But a soother and a pat on the bum will usually get him back in line!

I stopped by to say a quick "hello" and the little Turkey decided to show me how strong he has become in the last few days. He was lying on his stomach and he opened one eye and peeked at me, as if to check and make sure it was me...then he closed his eye and arched his back, lifting both his head and his feet of the mattress at the same time! What a strong little monkey!!! One of these days, I expect to go in and find him hanging from the inside of his incubator!!!

As of yesterday, the little monster weighed in at 1130 g (or 1.13 kg or 2.49 lb). His love of food (which he gets from Ma and me!) is certainly helping him out right now. Keep up the good work, Turkey!


  • At 10:14 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    you are doing a good job Ma!!!!
    Soon you will be off the rollercoaster ride!!!

    Thinking of you!!!

    jenn BR

  • At 2:56 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Such a good boy you are Sha...keep up the good get your determination and fight from Ma and Pa, you are so lucky!!
    Love you....grandma


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