Baby Shabooblah

Friday, July 28, 2006

Day 40 of Life - July 28th

Auntie has taken a much deserved vacation break to a in her absence I will try to keep up this blog. Although, I am very certain that I cannot fill these big shoes she has left...but I will try.

My dear little man has spent another day on the ventilator. His rate is at 15 and is oxygen levels are currently around 40ish. He has started taking a dose each day of caffiene, much like his Ma with her Diet Coke addiction. This hit of caffiene, straight up, will hopefully inspire his respiratory system to work a bit harder and keep up to the demands that are being made on it. He has also been started on a dose of Aldactazide which will keep the fluid from building up within his lungs.

And as per his normal Friday routine, our little Turkey has had a blood transfusion top up and a chest X ray...which looked a bit better than his last one. He had a little spot on his head shaved for the transfusion, which is something that I am sure to look forward to having him do in the future on picture day, just before school starts....

Enough of the medical stuff, Sha is opening his eyes even wider then before, and is continuing on his path to a championship eating competition. He opens his eyes to our voices, makes some of the cutest sucking motions and even gives us glimpes of smiles. His little arms are starting to look a bit more meaty and all of the nurses keep him entertained with stories of their bodies, makeup and fashion. It really is not a surprise that he has continued in the back room as I think he is becoming more and more like his Uncle Kabooblah, with his harem of women. Sometimes I think he desaturates just to get some pretty lady to come over and rub his bum.

It dawned on me yesterday, after a minute of rubbing is tiny belly, that his belly button has fallen, I am sure the Mom's in the readership are kidding, that probably happened weeks ago...but this is the first time it hit me that it was missing. All of the medication in that first little while, means that I really don't remember seeing it at all. So our wee man has an outie bellybutton...awww.

So, enough of my bragging about all of the things my kid can do. I went outside tonight and thought about how I exciting it will be on his first day out to show him the sky and maybe the big dipper.

Love to all,


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