Baby Shabooblah

Saturday, November 18, 2006

It would be really neat

To go to the grocery store.

A. I can't believe that I would fine that remotely interesting.
B. I used to go just about every day...and I dreaded it.

But now it seems so faaarrrrr. The grocery store is about 2 blocks from our house. But baby Sha can't go. Well he could, but I can't figure out the logistics of the trip. The physiotherapist recommends that Sha not be in slings or carriers until he is 3 months old corrected. He isn't allowed to be in his carseat unless for travel. And I know due to RSV season ('tis the season to be infectious...fal-la-la-la)he really shouldn't be around other people. With the oxygen tank, it makes the ordeal of going out a little difficult, because carrying an oxygen tank, baby and a pie seems like an impending disaster. And the weather terrible, so we can't walk up. So...I'm not really sure how to do it. The only thing I can figure, is to take his stroller and drag it behind me pushing a grocery cart. It seems very cumbersome. I could go by myself, or ask someone to come with me, but that isn't really what I want. I would love for Sha and I to go out, in public, alone!! But not yet. This too shall pass.

Just not really what I had envisioned for my maternity leave. Thought we would be going to baby groups and taking a couple swimming classes at the Y. I think we need to make a discharge pamphlet from the NICU with activities for shutin mothers. You could reorganize your medicine cabinet (done), get hooked on soap operas (done), and blog (check).

I got a call about reformatting a document this week. I just about did a cartwheel (if I could still cartwheel) across the floor.

Having a preterm baby is really all about waiting. We have done a lot of waiting.

Pa is at work. Darn work, always interfering with my social activities. Another day, another US magazine. He's so smart. Buying my love with magazines. It works, I tell ya.

Ma has become a princess. Calling Auntie at work to ask her to bring home necessities or calling Pa to pick up a few things. But I MISS shopping. Any kind of shopping. Even grocery shopping. The princess and the pea, we are.

This has been the year of the "I can hardly wait". I can hardly wait for him to be born, I can hardly wait for his first bath, I can hardly wait for him to come home and I can hardly wait until we can get out and do some normal things together.

At least he is a great sleeper. Midnight to eight last night. My prince. A man after my own heart.


  • At 8:30 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    the neighbours siad...

    ma - i hope you know that you can call brent or i if you need something from the store - we don't mind honetly. or we can watch sha if you want to go.


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