Baby Shabooblah

Monday, October 30, 2006


I just started pumping (an activity that is very overrated....waaa!) and I'm trying to come up with some way for Sha to be near me as I pump. So I balance him on my lap, and pump. Well, tonight, an hour after his last feed, I'm just starting to pump and Sha throws up all over us. Which is stop pumping clean us both up...

But I opened the diaper to find one horrible poo...ugh. And I think about the Mom I know who would throw a party if her son would, could only...just poo. It would seem like something simple, until you know it really isn't that simple. She just emailed me a picture of her son, who looks like a sleeping angel. I can't believe how large he has grown. How much her story has changed me, how a lot of stories have changed me. I cried, just a little, because I'm thinking about her and how lucky we are...whephf. I heard motherhood would change you, I just didn't know it would this much.

Thinking about how important that first poo is...and how underrated pooing has become...the wonderful joy of poo...

(It also could be the smell killing my last remaining braincell....) :-)


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