Day 94 of Life - September 20th

Another quiet day for the little one... his 3:00 feed didn't go well, as he just wanted to sleep. Stubborn little guy!!! So, Ma had to go back to the hospital at 6:00 to try again and this time, he took a full bottle!
At 8:00, Ma and Pa returned to the hospital for bath and weigh-in night. I'm happy to report that the little Turkey now weighs 2600 g (5.732 lb)... I'm not sure when I have to stop calling him "little" (or if I ever will...I'm sure he'll love that when he's 16)!!!
He has been using a special bottle, called a Haberman (pic above), for his bottlefeeds. This bottle controls the amount of milk that goes into the nipple, which helps prevent him from choking. There are different flow levels on the bottle and he has been using the lowest, but tonight, Ma moved up one setting and he did just fine!!! Ma will go back to the hospital at midnight to try another feed...good luck!
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