Baby Shabooblah

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Day 102 of Life - September 28th

Ma and Sha are starting to settle into a routine, which means that Ma is getting a little more sleep! The little one took 42 mL of milk at breast last night and has been fairly good with his bottles. He has thrown up a few times and Ma went out to buy some more clothes!!! Apparently, she didn't want to walk around smelling like spit-up!!! Grandma Cush took some clothes home to wash to help out with this!

Other than that, a fairly quiet day. A day of sleeping, eating and snuggling...for both Ma and little Sha.


  • At 7:14 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Way to go Ma, and Sha! I am so happy to hear about your move. You guys are doing an awesome job, and I can't wait to hear that you've moved home!

    Lots of Love,


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