Baby Shabooblah

Monday, September 25, 2006

Day 99 of Life - September 25th

Another reason to's the day the stork was supposed to bring you home, but the stork came a little early...

Happy due date, little one! Today, you are officially full term!!! You've done such a good job at growing strong and being stubborn and we are all so proud of you.

Total full bottles in a row: 13
Total throw-ups: 1 (Saturday)

Such a good boy! He took all his bottles today and Ma is on her way to the hospital now to try the midnight bottle. (She has to arrive at least 1/2 hour early to start waking him up...cuz he loves to sleep so much!!!) Hopefully, I haven't jinxed it by starting the count!!! They are going to start giving him 5 bottles a day, instead of the 4 that he gets we'll have to see how that goes. It's a good sign, though.

Ma's milk supply is up a bit more...not enough to actually keep up with him, but she's producing enough that she's going to try to breastfeed tomorrow at 12:00. It's something that they haven't tried for quite awhile and Ma has definitely missed this bonding time with her son...


  • At 11:29 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Happy due date litte guy! We are so proud of the progress you have made so far! Keep making your ma and pa proud! Hopefully they can reward all your progress soon by breakin' you free from the joint and bringin' you home! I am sure everyone will be much happier then! You are truly a blessing in their lives as you are in all of ours too! You have taught us a lot about strength, courage and life over the past few months! It's such a big task for such a little person, but you managed to show us all that size definitely doesn't matter!


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