Baby Shabooblah

Saturday, July 21, 2007

What's in a cry?

I love to hear a baby cry. That shrill, give me attention, feed me, change me cry. I heard it today, with baby Kittykat. So soft, and curl in a ball cuddly and warm.

It takes me back in an instant to the NICU days. Pa and I have known each other long enough that we don't need words. We would hear a baby cry in the NICU and glance at each other. It was the "I can hardly wait until our baby cries" look. I can picture it now. It appears in my memory in a flash.

People would say interesting things. You just wait, when he starts crying you will be wishing for silence. Nope. Didn't happen.

Crying is life. It is breathing, the in and out, and lungs and emotions and recognition and senses and health.

When Sha crys out it means he needs me, misses me and knows me.

Most importantly, it means he is alive.

I just can't look at the little things the same way.

Good job Kittykat! Your making me so very proud! :-)

(ok...and now I'm crying).


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