Baby Shabooblah

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Another Trip to Hospital

Ma finally gave in to her inner voice and took Sha to Children's Emerg. yesterday. Ma had been trying to think of what to pediatrician is away...His back up pediatrician is away...the after hours clinic is swamped every night (probably because everyone is in the same situation).

After back and forth and back and forth on Sha's cough, I decided to trek out to London.

Laughs from London:

RN: Can you please step on the scale?
Ma: Me?
RN: Yes. We will weigh you and then you can pick up your son and we will weigh you both together.
Ma: Ummm. Don't you have a baby scale?
Ma: (this is not good....)
RN: Lady, are you trying to decide between your kid being ill and stepping on a scale to get weighed?
Ma: No. (Yup!)
RN: Chuckle.

Doc: Cough?
Ma: Yup.
Doc: Crying?
Ma: Yup.
Doc: Irritability?
Ma: Me or the baby?
Doc: Him.
Ma: He seems ok.
Doc: You?
Ma: I just got weighed.
Doc: Oohhh...

Sha, of course, looked extremely well once we had been taken to see the doctor. He spent the visit, smiling and acting cute (and well!). But, thankfully, the doctor gave Sha a chest Xray just to rule out any illness.

Sha was diagnosed with Broncialitis. We have been sent home with a puffer and a mask and are watching him closely for any signs that he is getting better or worse. Sha is not as hungry as usual and is very tired. It was nice to get in and seen so quickly. Ma is feeling much better about Sha...and Pa is busy being worried (because that is a Pa's job).

Hopefully, within a few days, we will see improvement. We will be restricting our visitors to the house for the cold season, as per our doctor's recommendations.

And Ma is staying in her pjs ALL DAY! (And so is Sha).

As for Sha, he is holding his head up all by himself. What a big boy. He LOVES music and enjoys, baby CDs, musical toys and dancing to the beat by kicking his feet and moving his arms. Sha is smiling all the time! So precious. I really hope within the next week, I can be back to writing about all of the exciting Sha news, and that we can leave this cold behind. And posting pictures.



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