Baby Shabooblah

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Sha has a stuffy nose

Conversations from last night:

Sha: Grunt.
Ma: Are you ok, prince?
Ma: Let's try and get a little sleep
Sha: Sniffle.
Sha: Nose Whistle.
Ma: about I clean out your prongs?

Ma cleans prongs.

Sha: Heavy snot breathing.
Ma: What about sitting up?
Sha: Gag.
Ma: Umm...ok.
Sha: Sneeze.
Sha: Waa.
Sha: Mommy ( that might be a stretch).

Ma: Sha we have been awake all night and it is 5am.

Ma wishes her hospital friends were awake for a phone call.

Ma: Ahhh...I'm going to try that snot sucker, ok buddy?
Sha: Gag.
Ma: This thing is a pick of crap.

Ma cleans out prongs, over and over again.

Ma: I'm going to go and get those saline drops. Stay right here, my man.
Sha: Grunt. Snot bubble.

Ma tries to rub the saline bottle in hopes that a sleep genie will appear.

Ma reads label. 1 drop each nostril, once daily.

Ma: Ummm...bud, I think we can't do this again today.
Sha: Snarf.
Ma: Alright, I'm going to exceed the recommended limit.

Ma thinks about calling Telehealth. Paces around room. Gets back her brain.

Ma: Ok. No one ever suffered from saline over dose (I don't think).

Ma gives about 3 or 4 drops in each nostril. Sha squirms around, bats at Ma and shakes his head. He does not like his nose touched.

Sha: Chewing (gross!)
Sha: Breathing great.
Ma: Oh thank god. Just a couple minutes of rest, ok bud?
Sha: Wah, wah, wah.
Sha: Wah, wah, wah.
Ma: Ummm.
Ma: Ohhhh! Now that you can breath easier, you are hungry! I get it.

I am SLEEEEEEPPPY today. MA tried to catch a nap today, but dreamed that she left Sha at the mall. WTF?

On another note, Sha's eyes are great, according to the eye surgeon. But, he managed to puke all over the office floor (Sha puked, not the surgeon...that would be odd).

More appointments this week. Tomorrow a 6 month vaccine. Yippee.

Night, night. We are all going to rest (I hope!)


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