Baby Shabooblah

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Day 59 of Life - August 16th

Not too much to report on little Sha today. He tolerated 2 hours of low-flow oxygen (LFO) last night while Ma was kangarooing him...and another 2 hours today. His LFO rate was 0.2 L/min, meaning he was receiving a minimal amount of oxygen each minute. So, this is a good sign.

Ma is going to bathe and weigh him tonight, so I should have a new weight for tomorrow's posting. Also, he is getting his immunizations tomorrow...which makes me cringe...but then, I hate needles!!! Other than that, nothing to report. Ma and Pa are with him at the hospital for some quality time.

Ma's milk supply has increased ever since she made the resolution to not worry about it. Seems to be working for her! Between all of her appointments and taking care of the little one, she is much busier than when she worked and "had a life"!!! She is going to look into staying at the Ronald McDonald House from now on, probably starting next it's getting to be too much for her, with all the driving back and forth. (At least she's remembering to think about herself once in awhile!)

A big "Happy Anniversary" to Ma and Pa, who are celebrating their 3rd year wedding anniversary. (Traditional: Leather, Modern: Crystal/Glass) Although, they've been together since the dinosaurs roamed the earth... Instead of exchanging gifts this year, they are celebrating the life of their son.

As an aside, greetings to Dr. B, who is in the UK right now on vacation and is reading the blog every day...although, judging by the visitor statistics, I would say she's checking it more than once! Hope you're having a good vacation, Dr. B, but please travel home safely!!!


  • At 8:24 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Glad to hear about the extended periods on LFO. That baby is just moving along. Ma, take care of yourself. If they recommend that new parents take time (a month or so) to concentrate on just them and the new baby and that applies to babies that are two weeks late - it must apply even more so when the baby is a whole trimester early.

    A bunch of mommies from work get together regularly - we are all rocket scientists - and the major topic of discussion: how being a mommy is much harder than being a rocket scientist. Stay at the Ronald McDonald house and concentrate on your little boy. You not only need to cuddle him - you deserve it. Do it guilt free - and don't worry about anything else. The rest of the world is big and ugly enough to fend for itself.

    All our love
    Tonya (and J and F)

  • At 10:06 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    All I can say is "wow"!!! Sha is doing great and getting bigger. That will be awesome when he can get into the crib.

    Anyway, still thinking of you....Ma get some rest while staying at the Ronald McDonald house.

    And, oh yeah HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! (you sure did get a gift)

  • At 11:54 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Heh heh heh
    I just ate at McDonalds guilt free. After all I'm helping Sha's mommy right!



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