Baby Shabooblah

Monday, June 26, 2006

Day 8 of Life - June 26th

Sha has now reached 27 weeks gestational age. What a boy! It appears as though the Indomethacin is closing the PDA, which is good news. His oxygen requirements have decreased from 40% to things are improving. He hasn't had his head ultrasound yet, but I will let you all know as soon as I hear something. Other than that, not much is happening with our little Sha, which is a good thing.

I would LIKE to report that Ma is on her way home...unfortunately, that is not the case. She's still in "prison" and is waiting to hear if she gets to escape. After a brief spike last night, her blood pressure is back down. She's quite tired today and the waiting around is killing her, but Grandma Cush is distracting her and keeping her company.

Pa got to sleep in his own bed last night and is back at work...


  • At 10:28 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Excellent website! It is a good way for everyone to keep up-to-date on the Ma, Pa and Sha. We are glad everyone is good and that things are progressing well. We hope to see the baby soon. Congratulations and all of you are in our thoughts.


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