Baby Shabooblah

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Day 51 of Life - August 8th

Well, the little man had a bit of a rough night last night. His oxygen requirements suddenly spiked to 100% oxygen and they were worried that they might have to re-intubate him. However, they gave him some packed red blood cells and his oxygen requirements gradually dropped...and are now sitting around 30%.

Today is Ma's birthday, her first as a mama, and to celebrate, she arrived at the hospital early and held the boy for awhile. Sha must enjoy being close to his mama, because his blood oxygen saturation was at 100% while being held. Human contact, especially with Ma and Pa, is so important to the little one's growth and development.

Happy Birthday, Ma!
(Picture courtesy of Sharpie!)


  • At 8:02 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Happy B-day Ma!

    Much Love... ELMO :)

  • At 9:12 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    A little message to Sha:

    You are already the toughest little guy I know, but...
    If you are ever having difficulties or frustrations of any kind, always know that all of the world's problems can be solved with your best friend and some M&M's. It is perfectly okay to eat them out of the package, but they are especially helpful in solving problems when they come straight from a special M&M holder. This is a little trick your Mommy and I learned over years of issues. P.S. They are especially good warmed day your Mom will share our warming-up trick with you!

    Lots of Love!
    Auntie Kris

  • At 7:30 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Happy Birthday Ma! Hope you had a good day. Glad to hear sha is doing well.

  • At 7:42 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Happy Birthday Ma, didn't realize your's was so close to mine (mine was Monday - Aug. 7)....

    Glad to see Sha loves the cuddles from Ma and Pa.

    Well just thought I would check in again to see how things are going.

    Happy Birthday to la la

  • At 12:57 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    A very Happy Birthday to you have 1 very big (well...kind of tiny...) reason to celebrate this year! We hope you sat back, had a cold one (milk that is...)and enjoyed your day!

    Glad to hear Sha recovered quickly and was a good little boy for your Birthday!


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