Baby Shabooblah

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Day 1 of Life - June 19th

Ma is on some serious drugs. They put her on Morphine, for pain control, but it turns out that she is allergic, so they have her on Benadryl, to control the hives! Leave it to Ma...she never likes to do anything the easy way. So, Ma is as high as a kite. She's been sleeping on and off all day.

Near the end of the day, the nursing staff gets her to sit up for the first time, which causes her blood pressure to spike. Visiting priviledges now revoked.

Sha has been venilated on the equivalent of room air, which is awesome. They had to sedate the little guy today, because he's moving around so much that he's removing his own probes. One of the doctors looking after him said that she went into the NICU and he started waving at her. I think he's as stubborn as his mother!

Right about the same time that Ma started having pressure issues, Sha did as well and he also lost his visiting priviledges.

The waiting game begins.


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