Baby Shabooblah

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

It's a Boy! - June 18th

This blog has been created to help keep the friends and family members of Shabooblah informed on his progress. It will also serve to chronicle the difficult journey ahead. The name Shabooblah is fictional, in order to protect his identity. Shabooblah's mother will be referred to as Ma-booblah. Their names will be shortened to Sha and Ma, respectively. Daddy, known as Pa-booblah, will be referred to as Pa.

Here's the information that most of you already have...

Ma had really high blood pressure and when she went to her doctor, she also discovered that she had protein in her urine. This condition is known as preeclampsia, which is not good for either Ma or Sha. After many tests on both Ma and Sha, they made the decision to induce labour for the health and safety of both.

Sha was quite happy where he was, which was not surprising, considering he was approximately 14 weeks (3.5 months) premature. The doctors ended up having to do a C-section and had to knock Ma out completely, as she is feisty and was causing problems for them! (Not a surprise for those of you who know her well!)

On Sunday, June 18th, at approximately 9:15 pm, Shabooblah was born at 25+6 weeks gestational age, weighing 710 g (about 1 1/2 lbs). He was admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for further management. He was ventilated, but breathing the equivalent to room air and was doing very well. However, he has a long road ahead of him, as he isn't supposed to be here until September 25th. It will be a roller coaster ride; one minute he'll be doing really well and then he'll crash...but we'll have to stay strong and positive for Ma and Pa.

Ma was hopped up on all kinds of drugs, so she was really groggy, but was recovering. Pa was the proud daddy, running around with his camera around his neck!

Everyone went to have some much needed rest.


  • At 1:12 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Welcome to the world Shabooblah!
    Get home soon.
    From everyone in Health Records.

  • At 7:31 p.m., Blogger Mommy to 7 said…

    My brother was born 3.5 months early and weighed 1lb. 14oz. He turned ten two weeks ago. Congratulations on the new addition. Keep your heads high, I will keep your family in my prayers. I know what a long, difficult journey it is.


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