Baby Shabooblah

Monday, May 07, 2007

Xander news

Things you do:

- feed yourself your bottle! You love the new handles on your Avent bottles and are determined to feed yourself. You have a feeding down to about 5 minutes straight up. (Remember when 2oz took about 40 mins?)

- rolling over. Back to front and front to back. Although most times your arm gets stuck on the way from back to front and it makes you crazy angry!

- 2 teeth! No dentures for you. Your bottom teeth are slowly poking through.

Things you hate:

- baby cereal. Gag fest. Forget it. You hate it. Doesn't matter about the flavour or type or mixing or temperature. I've Googled this one to death. I know all the tricks and the bottom line is: it's gross and you know it. Maybe you have been Googling it too?

Things we are waiting on:

- sitting up. Any time now buddy....


  • At 2:43 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well I sure can see where you get your handsome looks from there little one. I hope that you havea great birthday Pa . The pictures are wonderful.

    I remember all of the fun things that came with feeding cereal , and all of the other milestones. Just remember to always tresure them , cause before you know , you forget when these things actually happened .
    Take care of eachother. Lots of love & hugs ,
    Chris , Melissa & Kennidie.


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